Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Jake Needs a New Wheelchair or Major Repairs

Medicare has denied a new chair and repairs for my son, Jake. Medicare replaces wheelchairs every 5 years. Jake has had his wheelchair for over 5 years (6/2014). 

Jake either needs a new wheelchair or his current wheelchair requires major repairs and a growth adjustment. Repairs are about $7000 and a new chair around $14000. Jake has a history of skin breakdown and pulmonary edema. We hope Medicare will reconsider, but right now we have no other resources. 

GoFundMe Link to help Jake raise enough money for wheelchair repairs or a new chair. Thank you.

Jake's Wheelchair on December 3, 2019

I hate asking for help, but I am going to try to raise the money while challenging Medicare's decision. We have asked the Ombudsman to intervene.

I am a senior citizen on a fixed income and did not prepare for such catastrophic costs. Please help.

Thank you.

Jake is my son. He was born in 1988. By 6 months we were told he had Cerebral Palsy. As Jake grew older we learned he was a quadriplegic, but blessed with the ability to talk. He requires total assistance with all his other needs. I promised Jake we would stay together and make it.

I completed my Doctorate Degree and worked as a College Program Director. I raised grant monies for Meals on Wheels for the elderly, disabled, and people with AIDs.

For over 30 years as a single mother, I worked a full-time job and 4 part-time jobs. I paid my taxes, Medicare, and Jake's medical bills.

It is not easy to ask for help. I will work to raise money if necessary. If you need a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist please let me know. I work from home.

Also, in the event, we raise more money then we need - we will denote the money to others needing wheelchairs.

Thank you again.
Sandra and Jake Frank

Using Modern Technology to Provide the Disabled Independence

Jake with Kristi Krueger, medical reporter and news anchor for Channel 10 (WPLG), Rich (friend), and Devon from the Creation Station at the Broward County Library. Jake always wanted to be a gamer, but controllers were not made for a quadriplegia. With some research, a dear committed friend, a volunteer at the Creation Station at the Broward County Library, and a 3-D printer they created an adaptive controller.

To hear Jake laugh with a sense of accomplishment is what all mother's want to hear. 

 Story on using modern technology to provide the disabled independence